
Dr. phil. Thomas Rommel
Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
Seminar für Englische Philologie
Wilhelmstr. 50
D-72074 Tübingen
Tel. +7071-29-73259
Fax +7071-29-4282

[C.D. ...contemplating the dawn of tenure...

Areas of Research

Computer-assisted analysis (member of the executive committee of ALLC narratology, 18th-century literature and history of ideas, English Romanticism


- Erfurt Electronic Studies in English (Co-Editor)

- PROLEPSIS The Tübingen Review of English Studies (Co-editor)


- "Softfonts für den Nadeldrucker." WordPerfect Journal. Magazin für alle WordPerfect-Anwender 37-38.

- "Capital Poets: Names of Persons in Lord Byron's Don Juan University Computing 14 (1992), 151-154.

- "Akkumulation als Stilphänomen in Lord Byrons epischem Gedicht Don Juan. Eine computerunterstützte Textanalyse." PROTOKOLL des 56. Kolloquiums über die Anwendung der EDV in den Geisteswissenschaften. Tübingen 21.11.1992. Tübingen: Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung, 1993, 6-12.
(cf. "Reports from Colloquia at Tübingen" in Literary Linguistic Computing 8:4 (1993), 295-298.)

- TUSTEP. Eine Kurzeinführung in das Programm für computererfahrene Geisteswissenschaftler. Tübingen: Selbstverlag, 1993.

- "'My Similes are Gathered in a Heap, so Pick and Choose.' An Analysis of Word Clusters in Lord Byron's Don Juan ACH-ALLC Joint International Conference. Conference Abstracts Georgetown University, Washington DC: Center for Text & Technology, 1993, 143-145.

- "Automatisches Generieren von Wortlisten." WordPerfect Journal 2 (1993), 16-17.

- "Temporal and Topographical References in Robinson Crusoe Consensus ex Machina? ACH-ALLC Joint International Conference. Conference Abstracts . Paris: Laboratoire "Lexicomeétrie et textes politiques", 1994, 207-208.

- "'So soft, so sweet, so delicately clear.' A Computer-assisted Analysis of Accumulated Words and Phrases in Lord Byron's Epic Poem Don Juan ." Literary and Linguistic Computing 7- 12.

- Book Review "Und die Wahrheit wurde hinweggefegt: Daniel 8 linguistisch interpretiert. Tübingen: Franke, 1994" Literary and Linguistic Computing 10:1 (1995), 80-81.
repr. in: Literary and Linguistic Computing 232-233.

- "Tracing the Narrator: Parenthesis and Point-of-View in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness ". ACH-ALLC Joint International Conference. Conference Abstracts. University of California, Santa Barbara, 1995, 99-101.

- "And trace it in this poem every line." Methoden und Verfahren computerunterstützter Textanalyse. (Tübinger Beiträge zur Anglistik; 15). Narr: Tübingen, 1995. ABSTRACT

- and Lisa Lena Opas, Joint Guest Eds. "Special Section: New Approaches to Computer Applications in Literary Studies." Literary and Linguistic Computing 10:4 (1995).

- and Lisa Lena Opas, "Introduction "Special Section: New Approaches to Computer Applications in Literary Studies." Literary and Linguistic Computing 10:4 (1995), 261-262.

- "Aspects of Verisimilitude: Temporal and Topographical References in Robinson Crusoe ." Literary and Linguistic Computing 10:4 (1995), 279-285.

- "'So violent a metaphor.' Adam Smith's metaphorical language in the Wealth of Nations. ALLC-ACH Joint International Conference. Conference Abstracts. University of Bergen, 229-231.

- Book Review "Computerunterstützte Textinterpretation. Die Josephsgeschichte beschrieben und interpretiert im Dreischritt: Syntax - Semantik - Pragmatik. Tübingen: Franke, 1995" Literary and Linguistic Computing 11:2 (1996), 105-107.

- "World Wide Web für KMU." MIT Journal (1996), 14-15.

- , Doris Feldmann and Fritz-Wilhelm Neumann, eds. "The Internet Survey for English Studies." Proceedings of the 1996 Erfurt Conference on Computing in the Humanities. Heidelberg: Winter, 1997.

Forthcoming / in preparation :
Essays on "Harold Brodkey" and "Victor S. Pritchett", "Stylistics", some book reviews, and - of course - my book on Economic Thought in the 18th Century: From Mandeville to Smith.

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